The Miracle is You

Posts tagged ‘thank you’

Carlos & Claudia in Del Mar…

Carlos & Claudia

Oh my sweet friends, Carlos & Claudia. We had such a good time with you in Del Mar. I had to reserve a spot on my blog just for you 🙂

Here we are at the “Poseidon” in Del Mar, our oceanfront restaurant where we first met “in the Flesh” you said, after a year of knowing you Claudia, through our Evolutionary work and sisterhood.  I was so thrilled to see you and look into your eyes at last!  And to have sweet Carlos smiling on us the whole time. And our wonderful Steve joking and absorbing our “kookiness” (that’s a good thing), while taking pictures of us.

And our beautiful walk on the beach… the rock you chose for me, and the one you found.

Here we are… “Claudia & Carlos in Del Mar…”

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And here is the poem you gave me, Claudia, tucked away in your beautiful book, “Becomes Her Vision”, and the CDs of the music you play with Carlos as part of  “The Celtic Ensemble”.  Carlos reminded me of the Ensemble page of the book we just put out  (as he held up five fingers outspread with beaming smile), that your band members are an integral part,  not just the instruments, the people who play.  Thank you for serenading us in the moonlight with your drum. It was a magical night!

“Changing Arrangements”      by Claudia Poquoc

There are no new problems that fill our days,
as lizard’s tail twists at my door freed of claws.
Only ancient human struggles arranged in new ways.
Old Woman of the World stirs her brew in a cave.
She loves life, the mess it makes, no matter the laws.
There are no new problems that fill in our days.
“Spinning nature and culture, makes sacred”, She says,
as She threads an evergreen cloak leaving flaws.
Only ancient human struggles arranged in new ways.
Old Woman feeds our myth-mind where eternity plays.
She weaves a new tapestry when lifes edges are raw.
There are no new problems that fill in our days.
We are ever on the fringe in search of the next ray,
when all looks forsaken and death lies in the draw.
Only ancient human struggles arranged in new ways.
The Story, there all along, that our soul portrays
Our merit to creation awakens us to awe.
There are no new problems that fill in our days
only ancient human struggles arranged in new ways.
Bless you, my Friends.

P.S. I’m sure we will see each other again. In San Diego next time!

Day 29: “Just a Little Trim, Darling!”

I’ve heard that one before!  Do you remember sitting in the chair, your little five-year old legs dangling helplessly over the edge, barely able to see the mirror or defend yourself?  The scissors loom in the air, the snip-snip-snips proceed, the locks fall hopelessly lost, dangling in one last fight across your toes. Well, there it goes. All your plans and deliberations. What you thought was OK. Sliced, slithered, solemnified in a quick and careless change.

This preamble came from my husband’s suggestion that I write about cutting the lawn! Since he did it and not me, I figured that wasn’t fair. Though it looks nice enough. It reminded me of my room recently changed in an instant with new summer attire. Suddenly fresh and pretty as a rose, instead of the dark and heavy covers of winter.

I have grown used to change. Nothing really phases me – well, nothing yet.  I love it. I crave it. A new hair colour? Great! Red. A new pair of shoes? Let’s try a wedge. A change in direction, life path –  UUUURRKK!! as I put on the breaks. That is my haircut trauma of 5.  Short bangs I never asked for, and crooked no less.  All my long-lost wavy locks challenging me on the floor.  What do I do now?  Try to look cute with short hair.

This goes deeper than that, of course. But for some, their hair is as sacred as anything else. It’s just a symbol after all.

What would I like to trim now? Hmmmm…..

Here’s my wish list for my future self, a reflection in the mirror of change that I will to be in advance:

She is powerful, that is for sure. Willful at times, with a brilliant smile. White suit. Standing strong.  Helping others, speaking from her heart. Spotlight hovers. Short wavy hair. Sparkling eyes.  A song in her step. Graceful wiles.  She hands me a business card. It reads:

The Miracle is You

Do I recognize her after this life-lift? Yes, I do. That’s me, tried and true.

So when I look a-mess, and the lawn isn’t cut, or the bed is in disarray, I walk across the mirror and see her standing there, that woman in the mirror. She is gleaming still. She knows something better. There is nothing to be afraid of. Nowhere else to go. Just step in, step out, and be there.

A little change ‘ll do ya!

All the change in the world will lead me right back to YOU.

Day 13: Commitment


I write in order to learn. I am writing this because I need to be. Because I want to be. If I don’t write, I am lost and listless. I become distracted by countless interventions that are not needed. My Voice is my paralysis and my sanctuary. If it is not working, I am not working.  When it opens up, all Life pours through. This has been the greatest God-send of all.

Until recently (like today), I was not truly committed to any one thing. I would float around from day to day like a butterfly (nice enough) smelling the flowers of possibility (Mmm, smell that?). Nothing wrong with that – for a year, or two…  But Now, I feel the call of committing to something – not just anything – something worthy of my time and effort.

My Call.

There are a few things I am committed to:  A daily spiritual practice, a dynamic relationship, building a community of collaborative partners, and courageous creative expression. And through these, Helping the women – and men, if they really need it (they do); but women especially because, well, I’m one of them, and I understand their plight and their power.

Enough is enough. We are here to speak, are we not? To sing, in fact! To show up!… With all of our  hearts, with all of our understandings.  That is why I am here. In whatever platform suits. I am here for you, for me. In this, I am free.

What are you most committed too? Have you any idea? Don’t worry if you don’t. I didn’t either until recently (like today). And even then, it changes from time to time. It has to. Because some things are not worth committing to. And our egos love to commit to things that will lead us to the promised land of nowhere: disappointment, competition, lack and heart-ache. Enough, please.

I am committed to giving the best my life has to offer. But like I suggested, it’s reciprocal. Whether you realize it or not, when you give, you receive. When you give of your heart, your true  heart’s calling and longing and knowing, you are free. You don’t feel like you are giving at all. You feel like you are just being. That is not a cliché. It is true. I know, because it feels so good – I feel so happy when I am writing or singing or speaking with you! I am not just doing it for myself anymore; now, there is a purpose, a feeling: of commitment, of communion. I love this! I love everything I am discovering through this. I love you. Yes, it’s true.

Thank you to all who have responded with love and excitement to my new found words and Voice. Thank you for writing to me and confirming what I already knew, but now know more deeply:

This is the way for me to find my way.

Thank you.

May your true heart’s calling call to you.

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